Trash-a-Thon - October 18, 2023

Fairview Christian School is planning a trash cleanup day on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, in the city of Reading.  We will be working from 9:00 to 2:00 picking up trash on sidewalks, streets, and parks.  We are planning for over 200 volunteers to pick up trash and are coordinating with the city of Reading in this endeavor.  A clean city of Reading is vital to the economic and social health of Berks County.  

One of our goals is to inspire other churches, schools, clubs, and non-profit organizations to take an active role in helping revitalize Reading.  Not only does the city of Reading benefit from our work, the students of Fairview Christian School also benefit by cleaning up their community.

Students are seeking sponsors to help us raise money for our school.  This includes funds to help support our mission trips and student activities.  You can help with this project by donating through this website, or sending a check to the school.  You can mail a check to Fairview Christian School, 410 S 14th Street, Reading, PA 19602.  All donations are tax deductible.  Business sponsorships of $500 or more will get their logo on our Trash-a-Thon t-shirts.  A business sponsorship of $1,000 or more will get their logo on a banner in our gym and on our Trash-a-Thon t-shirts.  All business donations must be received by September 30 in order to get their logo on the t-shirts.  Donations can be given until October 31.  Thank you for your support!


Pictures from Trash-a-Thon 2023

Mayor of Reading, Eddie Moran
Mayor of Reading, Eddie Moran